Friday, June 11, 2004

Ah.. Alas, the blog is working. The second lesson with AC the wizard was cool, but boring. We did so many drags and pitchings on BEP's Where is the love with Stonethrow's beats too many times. The beats and song still resounds in my head this morning when i awoke. Hah, but anyways, it was cool. Draggings and grindings. On the turntable, not on someone else. Don't get it mistaken yea? Next week's lesson will be different, he said. Very soon, i'd be mixing! Gotta learn how to read bars first though. =) Boring day nonetheless, but at least my baby was there to keep me fresh. She really is the sweetest thing i'd say. Had a very japanese dinner last night near my place. Then my parents sent her home. She's so pretty. Anyways, later on in the evening, i'll be bringing my brother out to meet the cell in town for Harry's new movie. Haha.. hope it's good. Can't wait to see her again. My girlfriend of course. =)